Meghívó a Károli tanárképző délutánok eseménysorozat 4. előadására

The Károli Teacher Training Afternoons event series proudly presents
its fourth workshop for practising teachers and teacher trainees.

Ágnes Imréné Sarkadi (Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of
is giving a workshop:

DysTEFL: Opportunity to Learn More about How to Help Dyslexic Language


The presentation gives information about the project called DysTEFL-Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The project develops a training course and online self-study materials for pre- and in-service teachers of EFL in order to raise their awareness of the foreign language learning needs of dyslexic students. The training materials also acquaint foreign language teachers with a wide repertoire of useful teaching methods, techniques and tools so that the quality and effectiveness of foreign language teaching to students with dyslexia can be enhanced. The presentation will show some sample activities from the course and inform teachers about how they can use the materials for their professional development.

A lot of practical tips and advice will be presented.

Date and venue:

30 November, 2012; 16.00-17.30
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Room 322

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Please, confirm your participation by sending an e-mail to
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