Szontagh, Pál – Tolnai, Ágnes – Váradi, Ferenc – Váradi-Kusztos, Györgyi (2024): To become a teacher. The Role of Reformed Church teacher training in the development of the sociological processes of vocational careers

Szontagh, Pál – Tolnai, Ágnes – Váradi, Ferenc – Váradi-Kusztos, Györgyi (2024): To become a teacher. The Role of Reformed Church teacher training in the development of the sociological processes of vocational careers. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faculty of Pedagogy, Nagykőrös, online edition

ISBN (online): 978-615-6637-24-6

© Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Pedagogy, 2024
© Authors, 2024

To become a techer

The title of this volume is more than a play on words. Those participating in teacher training understand the number, motivation, preparedness, and expectations of applicants are fundamentally influenced by the image of teachers in society. Teacher training is a sensitive mirror of the teaching career. Who do we send and encourage into this career as parents and educators? What do the peer group, the circle of friends and the family think about choosing a career as a teacher? How does this affect the applicant’s self-image, personal sense of vocation and career intentions? How can we help them choose their profession and stay on track as trainers?

The shortage of teachers and the situation of teacher training are public affairs, and in ecclesiastical universities, they are ecclesiastical public affairs. Not only because of its social importance but also because it is part of our everyday public discourse. Almost everyone has an opinion about it, but these opinions are often emotionally, or interest-driven. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a situation based on facts, scientifically based measurements, and data. The purpose of this volume is to provide a starting point for further reflection.


Dean's welcome – 1
Introduction – 3
Pál Szontagh Professional and career motivation in the teaching profession – 5
Ágnes Tolnai The future of primary school teacher and kindergarten educator training – 47
Pál Szontagh Vocational, Career-motivation and Role-perception of kindergarten-educator trainees – 98
Ferenc Váradi Implementation of the external practical components of teacher training at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary – 132
Ágnes Tolnai After graduation – the situation of teacher-training graduates based on alumni research – 149
Ferenc Váradi – Györgyi Váradi-Kusztos The concept of Reformed church professional surplus in the context of higher education teacher training – 174

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